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A team of people that share a common objective:

Improve life in the community of owners

administracion de fincas orihuela costa vivendoo community administration

Our values


We are a united team, enthusiastic about our work that coordinates to solve all your problems.

Desire to improve

We love challenges. Our objective every day is to go above and beyond on each project, with each difficulty and with each problem.


We love people and communication. Understanding where problems come from is the key to solving them.


Optimism is the foundation of our company. We know everything can be solved when you are resolved to do so.


Vivendoo is made up of people like you. That is why we like to approach each problem you may have, since we may also have them.


We work day to day to achieve the objectives of your community of owners.

administracion de fincas orihuela costa vivendoo community administration 2

Do you want to work with us?

If you identify with the values of our company and would like to be part of our team, please contact us.

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We are a professional team of the community administrators and our objective is for the communities to be more profitable and more efficient.

Our location